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About Us

Bioscience Research Education and Advisory Centre (BREAC) is a Nigeria-based pro-science, non-governmental organization with the mission to advocate and create avenues for improvement of bioscience education and research for sustainable development, wealth creation, food security, improved health care delivery and poverty alleviation, first in Nigeria and largely in Africa. BREAC is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria.

Specific objectives of the organization include:
1. Initiation and execution of programmes and projects geared towards the advancement of bioscience research and training at all level of education

2. Provision of laboratory facilities, as a Centre for excellence, for research, advocacy and training in bioscience and other allied sciences

3. Provision of professional advice and support to relevant groups and organizations in aspects relating to scientific research, training and advocacy

4. Provision of a platform for networking and collaboration with institutions sharing similar objectives

5. Facilitation and implementation of programmes that ensures the translation of scientific research from the bench to the public

6. Organization of training workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and meetings on all aspects of bioscience to deepen engagement with these disciplines within its areas of operation

7. Initiation of a programme of award to recognize the contributions of researchers and scientists to the development of science and technology in Nigeria and beyond

8. Development and provision of resources and databases for bioscience research

9. Provision of platforms for interdisciplinary research in all aspects of biosciences

10. Soliciting for funds for executing these objectives including relevant operations


BREAC's mission is to promote excellent bioscience education and research in Africa (starting from Nigeria) and to promote sustainable growth  and development within the continent.


Our vision is to see improvement in bioscience research and education first in Nigeria. We hope that through our activities, many more children will develop interest in science, increasing number of Nigerian scientists  will acquire skills and competence for cutting-edge research in bioscience and be able to adapt the same to solve health and development problems that are peculiar to the continent of Africa. We also hope to see improvement in the achievements in science at all levels of education in Nigeria.

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